Rutgers University now holds the most dubious honor of rejecting America's first female African-American Secretary of State and first female African-American National Security Advisor as commencement speaker. This comes as a result of one of the most conspicuous moves of any single-agenda, left-leaning group of students and faculty ever. Condoleezza Rice withdrew from her commitment to speak at the Rutgers University commencement amid faculty-led controversy and objection. Congratulations, Rutgers. Your myopic, narrow, hissy-fit will be a stain on your history forever more.
Let me take a minute to thank the President of Rutgers who worked hard to ignore the small group of harpies and hotdogs who had their way in the end. Also, I apologize to all of my friends who have students at Rutgers. I am certain that they are among the majority of students and faculty at Rutgers who knew they were lucky to get Condoleezza Rice as commencement speaker.
Professor Rudolph Bell and other small-minded professors (who one can only hope will be in an unemployment line somewhere soon) actually helped people organize the tragically confused and surprisingly small group of student protesters. It is so nice to have liberal professors remind us that the marketplace of ideas is not the Rutgers way.
Of course, forever the class act, Condi Rice decided to give them the heave-ho. Way to go, Condi.
To the cry-babies and buffoons who caused Ms. Condoleezza Rice to withdraw:
1. No one takes you seriously and no one is stupid enough to believe that this was anything more than political zealotry gone wild with even more disturbing religious undercurrents.
2. If you are going to hold the former Secretary of State Rice accountable for her actions a decade ago, would you hold Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the same standard I wonder?
3. Here is what you have proven: Overly-zealous politically motivated enclaves in American universities have more throw-weight than any other constituency. Forget about acknowledging outstanding women in government. Forget about acknowledging superior, scorching-smart black American women. The most important measure of worth as a citizen in your university-world is whether or not that citizen has offended your very narrow, un-American, left wing faculty and its groupies.
I am so glad that Condoleezza Rice took the high-road but I am not surprised. She has distinguished herself again and again and again as an individual who will not be pulled down by haters and who will not be put down by her lessers.