The sea of misinformation on the Supreme Court decision this week was really quite something to witness. The Facebook kerfuffling, the twitter conniptions, and the endless rants and tantrums from the left are of heroic proportions. And mostly wrong.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lays it on thick in her dissent and she seems to knowingly pave the way for this sweeping misunderstanding with her immature hype. At 81, I guess she figures she has nothing to lose, but seriously? Her opening words: "In a decision of startling breadth, the Court holds that commercial enterprises, including corporations along with partnerships and sole proprietorships, can opt out of any law (saving tax laws) they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs." This is not an opinion based on law and it is her lack of judicial disposition that is most disturbing . She uses inflated phrases like - "Unleash havoc...." and "radical purpose". This kind of shrill bombast you might expect on a sports page, or some middle-aged homemaker's blog, but not from a Supreme Court Justice. It is very disappointing. Plus, she's wrong.
The decision applies only to closely held corporations and the majority merely said that Hobby Lobby could refuse to pay for four kinds of contraception. Nothing, nothing, stops the employees from buying their own supplies.
I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that Ginsburg has never run a business. When the founder of a closely held corporation sacrifices all her time, all her money, and possibly all her health to build something from the ground up, it, in very large measure, is her and it embodies her values and investment. The last thing she expects is some over-reaching government telling her why her religious conscience is irrelevant.
Ginsburg also finds it awfully inconvenient that many American citizens still have a religious conscience. In her frustration with this troublesome truth, she temporarily trades her legal reasoning for her political passion. I do not think Supreme Court Justices are supposed to do that. Yep, if Ginsburg had her druthers, she would much rather obliterate the liberty of those with a religious conscience.
On this Independence Day, as a country, we really ought to remember what our Founding Fathers fought to achieve. The Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are all at odds with what Ginsburg said, because she does not remember that individual liberty and, especially, religious liberty is germane to this decision.
No one is stopping anyone from acquiring what ever kind of birth control is wanted. Amen.
I am so insulted by the implication in all of the protests and strident stink I have seen - evidently, women are helpless babies. Women are so very helpless that when an employer removes some forms of birth control from the menu of refundable medical expenses, they become defenseless, pathetic victims who see misogynistic boogey-men everywhere, and they can no longer figure out how to find birth control?
Does Ginsburg and do the shrieking feminist lemmings who are parroting her dissent think that women are this stupid and helpless?
Employers don't give us floss. Do our teeth fall out?
If the state does not pay for birth control, is there no other way to take care of this business?
Ginsburg can only see one thing - a transfer of power away from the bureaucrats and regulators and into the hands of people who actually produce value and income. Oh, well, we sure can't have that, huh?
Religious liberty might be inconvenient, Justice Ginsburg, but America had better hope that it never, ever becomes irrelevant.
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